Weighted Glory

Bridget Jack Jeffries

Review — Highly Recommended Film: Higher Ground

Higher Ground directed by Vera Farmiga [August 2011] Higher Ground is about a woman named Corinne Briggs, played by Vera Farmiga (Up in the Air, The Departed) as an adult and Taissa Farmiga (American Horror Story) as a teenager. Corinne is raised in a Christian-in-name-only household where she occasionally attends a mainline Protestant church. As a young […] Read more…

Life Begins at Blood

I wrote a paper on this for an ethics class at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School last year. I offer this as a pro-life alternative to the “life begins at conception” position. My paper was finished in a hurry at the last minute, so I over-relied on online sources, and it wouldn’t surprise me to find […] Read more…

Review & Analysis: CleanFlix

CleanFlix directed by Andrew James and Joshua Ligairi [February 2010] In the 1980s, Mormon prophet and LDS church president Ezra Taft Benson famously counseled the young men of his church to avoid watching R-rated films: Consider carefully the words of the prophet Alma to his errant son, Corianton, “Forsake your sins, and go no more […] Read more…


The doctrine of Hell has come under considerable fire in recent years. [1] One need only browse the rumblings on religion-themed Internet discussion forums and Web logs to glean that the notion of a God who eternally disciplines sinful humans in the afterlife is about as popular as parents who spank their children. [2] Over a […] Read more…

God as Mother

(My belated Mother’s Day post) Stop. Before you read any further, you and I need to be on the same page. So, drop what you’re doing and go watch this 4-minute 42-second video review of Salt (2010) starring Angelina Jolie. Done? Good. Now on to the post. Read more…

My Review of the 2011 NIV

Isn’t it awesome how I’ve been neglecting this blog for over two months? Or not. Anyhow, my review of the 2011 update of the New International Version was published in the Winter 2011 issue of Priscilla Papers. That article has been made available online as one of CBE’s free articles: “Book Review: 2011 NIV Bible” […] Read more…