The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman [1995; Audiobook, July 2006] (Warning: Book Review + Relationship Autopsy ahead) A friend of mine recommended that I read this book shortly after my husband got together with the mistress that would end our marriage. She described Chapman’s theory to me in […] Read more…
Bridget Jack Jeffries
Huldah the Prophet

A short but significant account of a female prophet occurs in 2 Chronicles 34. In this chapter, King Josiah of Judah makes the decision to restore the temple of the LORD. In making repairs to the temple, the high priest Hilkiah comes across “the Book of the Law of the LORD”—probably all or at least […] Read more…
Of Courtesans & Christianity
(Part 1 of 2) Some number of years ago, I viewed a film called Dangerous Beauty (1998), it having been recommended on a list of films every feminist should view. The film was a loose biography of Veronica Franco, a 16th century courtesan from Venice. It presents Franco as an adventurous, wild-hearted young woman faced […] Read more…
The Real Pro-Life
Unless you recently dropped your smart phone into a toilet and took off to live in a cave (in which case–how are you reading this blog post?!), you’ve probably heard by now that Planned Parenthood just had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. The viral sting video featuring a top PP doctor sipping wine […] Read more…
Why I Believe

My daughter’s tiny body shone slick with my blood as my doctor pulled her from my body. A small, sickly cry rang through the room, the noise like the plaintive wailing of an injured cat. I watched the nurse rinse away the blood with a mixture of wonder and fear coursing through me. I would […] Read more…
Review: The End of Apologetics
Guest-post and book review of Myron Bradley Penner’s The End of Apologetics: Christian Witness in a Post-Modern Context at Rational Faiths blog. Read more…
Should you tithe on child support?
You are a single Christian parent and you have a goal of giving a fixed percentage of your income to God. [1] You are also either paying or receiving child support. When you calculate how much you intend to tithe, do you include child support payments received as part of your income? Or, if you […] Read more…