Weighted Glory

Bridget Jack Jeffries

Introducing the Junia Series

(Jump to Series Index) One would not expect a conflagration of controversy from the ending of Paul’s epistle to the Romans. The sixteenth chapter lacks the robust theology expounded on in earlier chapters, instead containing a seemingly innocuous list of salutations to local Christians at the church in Rome. Yet controversy is exactly what the […] Read more…

Mary the Demonslayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of my favorite shows from the late 90s / early aughts. It has all of the things I like in my fiction: horror, comedy, feminism, subverted expectations, and a woman who literally kicks so much ass posterior. With that said, in honor of the fact that today is both […] Read more…

Jesus on Mothers

  I’ve never understood how belief in traditional gender roles survives an actual reading of the Gospels. Case in point: when I thought about what the Bible specifically says about mothers (as distinct entities from fathers), this verse immediately came to mind: “As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, […] Read more…

We Need to Talk About Heavenly mother!

[Part 2: mother! Explained, Heavy Spoilers] There are two main theories on Darren Aronofsky’s provocative mother!: It’s a film about environmentalism. Jennifer Lawrence is Gaia / the Earth Mother / the Spirit of the Earth. The house is Earth. The people who assail the house, invited in by Javier Bardem (“Him” on the credits, but […] Read more…