Reflections on one of my first Christian literary loves I read a ton of C. S. Lewis in high school: The Space Trilogy, The Great Divorce, Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Problem of Pain, A Grief Observed, The Weight of Glory, and a whole bunch of his shorter essays. At the time I felt […] Read more…
Year: 2010
Sermon on Luke 11:1-13
My NT 6221 class requires a sermon on either Luke 5:1-11 or Luke 11:1-13. I selected the latter passage. The requirements were that it be 7-8 pages long in outline form and utilize at least three commentaries or journal articles. I’ve never composed a sermon, let alone preached one, so this is new territory for […] Read more…
Review: The Mind of the Master Class
The Mind of the Master Class: History and Faith in the Southern Slaveholders’ Worldview by Elizabeth Fox-Genovese and Eugene D. Genovese [October 2005; reviewed 11-18-2010] It’s been a long time since I posted either a book review or anything that I wrote for a class, so I’m posting in PDF form the review I just […] Read more…
Mutuality Article on Women in Mormonism
Mutuality is a quarterly magazine published by Christians for Biblical Equality. The theme for this season’s issue was “Building a Bridge to People of Other Faiths,” so I submitted an article on women in Mormonism entitled, “How Wide the Divide, and Can Biblical Equality Bridge It?” My article is approximately 1800 words long and covers […] Read more…
Review: Evangelical Feminism

Evangelical Feminism: A History by Pamela D. H. Cochran [January 2005] The history this book attempts to cover is a fascinating one in terms of the internal struggle within the Protestant world concerning the equality of women in the church and home. It describes the rise of the Evangelical Women’s Caucus (now the Evangelical & […] Read more…